PE Procedures For No Dress Students

 1st and 2nd No Dress         
a.  Student signs off on letter

b.  Teacher calls home

c.  Students are escorted to ISS

3rd No Dress*
a.  Student is escorted to his counselor (Cealey, Booth, Robison, Cox {AL}) where (s)he meets with student and sends letter to parent

b. Student is escorted back to ISS for remainder of the hour

4th No Dress*
a.  Student sent to counselor (Cealey, Booth, Robison, Cox)

b.  Counselor calls and informs parent of required parent conference

c.  Student escorted to ISS

5th No Dress
a.  Student sent to Dean’s office to be placed on the P.E. list for ISS and then escorted to ISS

Student will remain on PE attendance rosters.  Attendance will be taken care of by ISS Monitor and Dean’s secretary. Student should report to 125 each day for that hour until the new 9 weeks start

*If student arrives to see counselor and counselor is busy or out of building, secretary will document that student needs a letter sent (3rd) or parent meeting (4th) and escort will take to ISS.

PE No Dress Letter

Date:_____________   To The Parent/Guardian of ____________________________

Students are required to dress and participate daily for their physical education class.  Your son/daughter has been asked repeatedly to do so but has failed to comply with these requests.  Each time he or she fails to dress/participate for PE, they will be given a dress cut.  Upon the accumulation of the 5th dress cut, your son/daughter will be removed from PE class and placed in an alternative setting for the remainder of the 9 weeks.  Any student removed from PE class for the nine (9) weeks will receive a grade of “F” for that nine (9) week period.  We are requesting your help and assistance in seeing that your son/daughter dresses and participates in his or her PE class.

“Illinois State Statute (105 ILCS 5/27-6) requires that ALL students pass a minimum of two (2) years of Physical Education.”

If you have any questions, please contact your student’s physical education teacher. For students in 9th grade, contact Andrew Blahut. Students in 10th, 11th & 12th, contact your individual student’s teacher: Erin Dowling, Carl Holman, or Scott Mahring. If you still have questions after talking to your student’s teacher, contact your student’s Academy Leader.  

The following actions will be taken when a student fails to dress for Physical Education class: 

1st Offense: Student will sign their P. E.Dress Cut Letter and a failing grade for the day. Teacher will contact the parent /guardian either by phone or email. Student will be removed to ISS for the day

2nd Offense: Student will sign their P. E. Dress Cut Letter and a failing grade for the day. Teacher will contact the parent /guardian either by phone or email. Student will be removed to ISS for the day

3rd Offense: Student will report to the Counselor with their P. E. Dress Cut Letter. Counselors will conference with student and send letter home.  Student will report to ISS for the remainder of the hour. A failing grade will be given for the day. 

4th Offense: Student will report to the Counselor with their P. E. Dress Cut Letter. Counselor will notify parents to report back with student for a parent meeting.  Student will report to ISS for the remainder of the hour.  A failing grade will be given for the day.

5th Offense: Student will be sent to the Dean’s Office, and notified of their removal from physical education class and receive an F for the 9 weeks.  Letter will be sent home notifying parent of the removal. They will then be assigned to ISS for the remainder of the 9 weeks.


Student’s 1st No Dress: ____________________________  - Student’s signature


Student’s 2nd No Dress:____________________________ -  Student’s signature


Student’s 3rd No Dress:_____________________________ - Counselor’s Signature


Student’s 4th No Dress:_____________________________ - Parent’s signature.


Student’s 5th No Dress:_____________________________ - Teacher’s Signature.  Date Removed_________________


Letter Mailed to :_________________________________________________________________


Date Sent: _______________________________________________