Tardy Policy

Re-Starts Every 9 Weeks- Applies to All Tardies (1st through 5th Hours)

Students with Valid, Documented Excuses are Excluded (Bring Documentation e.g. Dr. Note to Staff) 

Tardy 0-2: Students Sign In, Write Tardy # on Sign-In Sheet

·  Verbal Warning 

Tardy 3: Students Complete Tardy Intervention Log

·  Student will Identify Tardy Reason, Problem-Solve for Resolution

Tardy 4-5: Counselor Meets with Student, Parent is Called, Informed of Tardy Status/Concern

·  More Intensive Intervention

·  Parents Involved in Process

Tardy 6-7: Detention Issued

·  Must Be Served Immediately

·  Missed Detention Results in More Intensive Discipline

Tardy 8: Tardy Intervention Contract Signed by Student and Parent

·  Parent Must Come For Meeting

·  Do Not Admit Until Parent Attends School Meeting

·  Parent Will Be Notified of Previous Steps to Reduce/Prevent Tardies

Tardy 9: In School Suspension for Student

Tardy 10+: Every Tardy After 10 Results in Do Not Admit Until Parent Attends School Meeting

E3...every day...every class...every opportunity

School-Wide Tardy Goals

·   Less than 8 Tardies per Quarter/Grading Period

·   Less than 5 Tardies in any One Week


"Punctuality is the Soul of Business"

Thomas C. Haliburton