(309) 672-6600 ext. 50155
Manual High School
Counseling Center
Counseling Mission Statement
The mission of the Peoria Public School Counseling Department in collaboration with other educators, parents/guardians and community stakeholders is to provide a safe, nurturing environment that proactively utilizes a comprehensive, developmental counseling program that is student centered on the academic, social/emotional, and career development of all students to ensure that they are self-directed, life-long learners who are college and career ready.
Counseling Vision Statement
The vision of Peoria Public Schools Counseling Program is to meet the developmental needs of students through implementation of a data-driven comprehensive school counseling program. Our program recognizes and respects all students' individuality and special needs, including ethnic, cultural, racial, and gender differences.

Mrs. Amanda Rutledge
Special Education Lead Coordinator
Knoxville Center for Student Success
Richwoods High School
Manual High School
Manual High School: Counselors

Courtney Lee, Counselor
9-12th grade students with last names A-G
Life skills and ED Counselor
309-672-6606 ext. 50173
Counseling Center

Mrs. Nicole Burrell, Counselor
9th -12 Grade
Students with Last Names H - O
ELL Counselor
D2 Counselor
(309) 672-6606 ext. 50158

Mrs. Michaura Pittman, Counselor
Counseling Support Staff
Mrs. Rickeysha Branscumb
Counseling Secretary
(309) 672-6606 ext. 50150

Ms. Jill Foster, LCSW
School Social Worker
Harold B. Dawson Middle School
Manual High School
(309) 672-6606 ext. 50154

Mrs. Erin Triplett, SSP, NCSP
School Psychologist
Harold B. Dawson Middle School
Manual High School
(309) 672-6606 ext. 50153
Mr. Stanton Hangen
Family School Liaison
Manual High School
(309) 672-6606 ext. 50151
Mr. Neil Payne
Success Career Coach
Manual High School
(309) 672-6606 ext. 50177