Math Goals:
Goal 1: The number of students who will exceed NWEA expectations (blue students) will increase by 5% from Fall 2012 to Winter 2012.
Goal 2: 37.5 % of the subgroup of black students will meet or exceed standards on the ISAT and PSAE exams.
Goal 3: 70 percent of all tested students will achieve their expected gain on their NWEA math test.
Goal 4: 100 percent of the students who are on track to graduate in May will pass their math class(es).
***Grading Breakdown for Math Department***
70% Assessments (Quizzes, tests, and projects)
10% Participation (Work finished in class)
10% Required (Compass, Problem of the Days, and Exit Slips)
10% Homework (Work completed outside of school)
Grading Scale:
90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
0-59% F
Grade Weighting
1st Semester:
50% GP1 and 50% GP2
2nd Semester:
40% GP3, 40% GP4, and 20% Final
Helpful Math Websites: