Veterans Day Celebration
Manual JROTC 2021-22 Veterans Breakfast
A group of Manuals cadets went out to the breakfast prepred with questions about the past in the Army, the militatry and etc.

Verterans Day Breakfast
Verterans Day Breakfast
Manual High School Army JROTC's fifteen cadets volunteered to serve breakfast to 200 Peoria Veterans , at the Hyvee located at the shop of Grand Prarie. When cadets arrived they immediatley got to work. Some cadets were stationed at the food service line while others were walking around making sure all Veterans were enjoying thier breakfast, from refilling coffee to picking up plates. All cadets had the oppurtunity to sit and vistit with the veterans and hewar stories. This was a good and enlihtinh experince for the cadets. They had a wonderful time learing about all the diffrent typow of worlds they could be entering.
Alexis Smith & Journey Dunigan
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