If a student is absent from school for any reason please contact us by either phone, email or written note within 2 school days so it can be excused. Students who are absent from school are not permitted to participate in school related extracurricular activities such as a club, or sports competitions, performances, celebrations, etc.
Students who are 18 years of age and living at home are under the jurisdiction of the home. They are required to adhere to the same rules and processes as all other RHS students. The only exception to this if a student is legally emancipated, which requires the official court documents to be on file with the school.
Any anticipated absence, such as college visitations, family vacations, etc, which conflict with the school calendar, must be arranged in advance by a phone call or a written note or email.
Automatic call system: If your student is absent one or more periods or late to first hour you will receive a phone call about their absence. This will happen if student is excused or unexcused. You may follow up with the attendance office with issues or concerns.