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Student Testimonial
From T'Nahleg Hall Class of 2018
AVID is an adventure that you can't take alone. It is a group of friends working toward a common goal, forming relationships and achieving happiness, not only through personal success, but through the successes of others. AVID is amazing. It is vibrant. It is inviting. It is defined. It is Advancement Via Individual Determination! AVID has given me the tools to succeed academically and personally. It has taught me to have balance in my life. AVID to me represents opportunity. I can be 100% sure that I would know nothing about college or financial aid or future jobs or the importance of any of these things had it not been for AVID. And I will remember the knowledge AVID gave me, and when my time comes, I will be more than ready. Also, most of my close friends go to other schools, so AVID at RHS provides a refuge for me that is full of smiling faces and open arms. AVID has given me confidence and determination to follow my dreams. It has showed me that reaching my goal of going to a four-year university is attainable. I was scared of what to do after high school, but with AVID, I have a vision in my mind of the successful leader I want to become. It's is a program where we can share opinions about who we are and how we can make ourselves better, not relying on educational expertise by itself, but considering personality, social skills, and dedication on the path to a higher education. Since coming into AVID my freshman year, I have realized that it is much more than a class for tutorial or keeping my grades in line. I have found that AVID is one of those rare safe places on campus, a place for encouragement and a place that will push you to do your best. This program is a major part of my success in high school, and I will take the ideas and wisdom I have gained from my experiences with me for the rest of my life. AVID actually helps you when you do extracurricular activities by allowing you to organize and multi-task. Life has a lot of things that you have to get done in a timely manner. From this point this program has lead me to attending the University of Indianapolis on a full-ride scholarship. I will be playing football there and majoring in pre-med. AVID teachers are not the quitting type and have instilled that attitude in all of us. They have taught me to set and achieve goals. On top of that, they have taught me about individuality. I honestly don't believe what I would do without the AVID program!