Work Training - STEP
The Program
Students learn to become productive, self-sufficient adults through a variety of STEP Experiences. These experiences include, but are not limited to:
·Developing desirable work habits and realistic career goals
·Opportunities for students to explore careers
·Work experiences through on the job placement/training that coincide with post-secondary employment goals
·Encouraging students to develop the social and personal skills needed to maintain successful employment
·Support with the transition from high school to college
·Built-in linkage to DHS/DRS, an agency that can assist students who have disabilities with their post-school employment and career development goals.
·Allows students to gain school credit towards graduation, while gaining hands-on work experience, with as-needed support services
Students will earn elective credits towards graduation
Would you like help paying for college???
Join the STEP Program!!
The STEP Program (Secondary Transition Experience Program) has been part of a partnership between DHS/DRS Illinois and Peoria District 150 for 50 years. We work with students with disabilities to help them find jobs in the community.
If you aren’t interested in working, yet, and plan to attend college after high school, we can help! You can be certified for STEP and then once you graduate, your case will be transferred to an adult counselor at DRS/Peoria, who will work with you to determine the level of financial help DRS can provide for your college program. If you qualify, this financial assistance can include tuition, room and board, textbooks and assisted technology which can included a laptop computer with appropriate software installed to help you with your academic projects.
Upon college graduation, your DRS counselor can also assist you in finding a job!
Leigh Bowen (Transition Specialist) 635-5978/
Philip Dingerson (Work Coordinator) 693-4448/815-223-1626 (text)/
Pre-Employment Transition Services Provided by work coordinators at the high school.
·Job Exploration Counseling
·Work Based Learning Experiences
·Counseling on Post-Secondary Education
·Workplace Readiness Training
·Instruction in Self-Advocacy
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will you Help me Find a job?
Yes, Mr. Dingerson can help you find a job in a field you are interested in.
What about extra curriculars and sports?
Many in the STEP Program balance school, work, and participate in extra curriculars throughout the school year.
Where do I get an application?
You can get an application from Mr. Dingerson in Room 329.
Current Job Openings
Click for Application
If you apply please email to let me know. I may be able to expedite process.
Book Office Hours AT LEAST once monthly:
Book time with PHILIP DINGERSON: Office Hours • This link will expire on: January 3, 2024
Access Services at the following Colleges
Leigh Bowen (Transition Specialist) 635-5978/
Philip Dingerson (Work Coordinator) 693-4448/815-223-1626 (text)/