RHS Office Directory
Administrators and Front Office Staff - Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Richwoods High School Main Line Colletta Parks, Secretary Amy Seigel, Data Processing | 309-693-4400 (Main) 693-4400, ext. 30100 693-4400, ext. 30107 |
William Robison, Principal | 693-4400, ext. 30101 |
Dr. Renee Andrews, Asst. Principal | 693-4400, ext. 30118 |
Ryan Morrison, Asst. Principal | 693-4400, ext. 30119 |
Adrian Smith, Asst. Principal (Sophomore Class) | 693-4400, ext. 30104 |
Jeff Fauser, Asst. Principal | 693-4400, ext. 30103 |
Mrs. Kara Harris, Principal Secretary | 693-4400, ext. 30101 |
Mrs. Autumn Searle, Asst. Principal Secretary | 693-4400, ext. 30117 |
Mr. Eric Popken, Treasurer | 693-4400, ext. 30131 |
Mrs. Tracy Bishop, Attendance Office | 693-4442, ext. 30116 |
RHS Counseling Office
Mr. Mike McKenna, Counselor (A-E) | 693-4405, ext. 30156 |
Mrs. Sheri Lamie, Counselor (F-K) | 693-4405, ext. 30152 |
Mrs. Beth Funcannon, Counselor (L-R) | 693-4405, ext. 30151 |
Mr. Justin Hobin, Counselor (S-Z) | 693-4405, ext. 30153 |
Mrs. Veronica Dreher, Counseling and Records Secretary | 693-4405, ext. 30150 |
Athletic Director/Activities
Mr. Jeffrey Crusen, Athletic Director | 693-4400, ext. 30108 |
IB Coordinator
Mr. Tom Hayes | 693-4400, ext. 30302 |
Campus Safety Officers
Office | 693-4430, ext. 30161 |