PBIS Tier 2 at EFAA

The Elise Ford Allen Academy implements Tier 2 behavior interventions to support students who require further assistance with following expectations. Our Tier 2 behavior model includes Check In/Check Out, SAIG, and GWIF. Entry into this tier of interventions is through data analysis by the Tier 2 PBIS team.

Check In/Check Out (CICO):

Check In/Check Out is a targeted, evidenced-based intervention of positive behavior support that is an extension of PBIS Tier 1/Universal Support. It is a low intensity, large group intervention that serves between 7%-10% of a school's student enrollment. CICO is a prevention program for students who are starting to engage in problem behavior. Students in CICO carry a daily behavior sheet designed to track their behavior throughout the day and throughout the building. Each student has a facilitator with whom he or she "checks in" with in the morning and "checks out" with at the end of the day. After at least four weeks of success in CICO, students can graduate out of the intervention. 

Social Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG):

Social Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) is a low level Tier 2 intervention where students are re-taught school-wide expectations. SAIG is the next layer of the Tier 2 intervention system which is added if, based on data, a student is not responding to CICO. Topics covered are based on the top problem areas by location of issue(s) and problem behavior(s). 

Groups with Individualized Features (GWIF):

Groups with Individualized Features (GWIF) is an additional layer to the Tier 2 intervention system. The implementation of this program is through Check In/Check Out with Individualized Features. This intervention individualizes CICO in a quick and generic way when CICO itself was not enough for a student to respond positively.