Girls Volleyball





1.      Practice will begin on time according to schedule.

2.      Any changing / equipment adjustments will be done prior to practice start time.

3.      If a player must leave a practice for any reason, the coach must be notified.

4.      If a player must miss practice or be late, the coach should be notified in advance.

5.      Players must report injuries or illness to coaching staff immediately.

6.      Begin practice by mentally preparing for practice.

7.      If you miss a practice or part of a practice, it will affect your starting/playing time.

8.      Practices are CLOSED unless arrangements are made with the Coach.

9.      Clothes worn at practice must follow school handbook dress code.


1.      Any display of displeasure or frustration will not be tolerated.  The team cannot afford losses of emotional control during practice or matches.  The player will be removed from activity or dismissed from practice/game. 

2.      Always show respect to your coaches, team members, referees, and opposing team.

3.      Your attitude during practice should reflect your desire to excel to the best of your ability.

4.      A “Team” attitude will be maintained during practices and matches.

5.      Please maintain a positive attitude on and off the court as we are representing RMS.  Our attitudes and how we act can make or break a team. 


1.      You must be in proper academic standing to participate in games.  Your education is your first priority. 

2.      Keep your work up to date.

3.      Always be on time and well prepared for your classes.

4.      If you are ineligible you are still required to come to all practices and games. 


1.      An unexcused absence from a practice / or game will result in:

   a.      1st penalty – sit one game

   b.      2nd penalty – sit two games

   c.       3rd penalty – sit entire match