Welcome to Elise Ford Allen Academy!

Find us at: 1704 West Aiken Ave, Peoria, IL 61605
Call us at: 309-672-6574
July 2024
Dear Elise Ford Allen Academy Families,
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacation. We are looking forward to getting started on a new year of learning! Elise Ford Allen Academy continues to have a team of exceptionally talented and committed staff ready to get another amazing year of learning under way. Thank you for sharing your student(s) with us!
Monday, July 29th–Back to School Night/Annual Title 1- 5:00-6:00. 1ST-8TH GRADE families are invited to meet the teachers and drop off supplies in the classroom/locker. This is a fantastic way to get rid of the beginning of the year jitters! Come join in the fun and get a‘SWEET START’ to your school year. As you know, we always go big to welcome back our Riders!
Tuesday, July 30th - Kindergarten Meet the Teacher 1:30-2:30; Join us for your own special event with your parents!
Wednesday, July 31st - First day of learning for students 7:30-2:30.
Monday, August 5th- Baseball and softball tryouts 2:45-4:00 Grades 5,6,7,8- Must have sport physical on file (they are good for 12 months, so if they had one for us for basketball last year...they should be OK to start the year!)
Tuesday, August 13th- Parent breakfast; Get to know other parents and sign up to help your child’s school.
- Summer office hours- The office will be open Tuesday and Wednesdays this summer from 7-3. Ms. Karen will be available by phone or in person.
-School Hours – School begins at 7:30 am and ends at 2:30 pm. This year we will continue “grab and go” with our breakfast, eating in the classrooms during homeroom. We begin breakfast on the first day of school. Students should arrive at 7:15 every day. Parents who need to pick up their child before 2:30 must call the office in advance to schedule a pickup time in advance. We are unable to accommodate end of day parent drop ins for student pick up.
-Communication- All school communication will come through Sunday voicemails, emails, EFAA website, Skyward Family Access, Facebook and the Class Dojo app.
-Attendance – It is important that students have regular attendance at school. If your child is sick and must be absent from school, please call the school office by 7:45 A.M. Due to previous years, we will no child will be released without prior arrangements after 2:00 to ensure student learning continues from bell to bell. We experienced too many parents in the office to pick up their students daily without valid excuses. We appreciate your support in helping us keep our records right.
-Uniforms – Students are expected to follow the Elise Ford Allen Academy dress code policy. We appreciate your support in buying clothes that meet the guidelines listed below. With air conditioning, students are encouraged to keep a uniform sweatshirt at school. Please reach out to the school office if you need support.
Shirts – Navy, royal blue, light blue, hunter green, red, white, black or orange. Shirts must have a collar and be a solid color with no logo, lettering, writing, designs, or embellishments (such as beading or embroidery). Sleeveless shirts and tank tops are not allowed. Spirit wear is sold during the year and may be worn any day of the week. Solid sweatshirts in black, blue or gray without a hood are allowed. NO JACKETS of any kind will be allowed.
Slacks/Shorts/Skirts– Navy blue, black, or khaki with no embellishment or designs. Pants and shorts must be plain pants or shorts. Every effort should be made to buy pants in the correct size to avoid pants that sag or are revealing. Please note – denim pants of any color, stretch pants, sweatpants, and nylon warm-up pants are not acceptable.
Shoes–Students may wear dress shoes without heels or tennis shoes. Flip flops, high heels, or shoes where the backs/ toes are open are not accepted for safety reasons. Tennis shoes are encouraged.
Face Masks/Hoods/Hats/Headscarf/Do-rag- Facial masks must have loops that affix behind the ears if a student wishes to wear a mask. Students will not be provided masks by the school. Students (girls and boys) will not be allowed to wear any type of hood/hat/full headscarf or do-rag.
-PTO –The Elise Ford Allen Academy Parent Teacher Organization is an active group that supports the school in many ways. We would love to have you attend meetings and take an active role in the PTO. If you are unable to attend meetings, please consider supporting the PTO in other ways including sending food or supplies for events or helping with fundraisers and school activities.
-Health Compliance- Students in grades Kinder and 6th grades, must have immunizations and physicals. Bring those items to the office before July 31st.
-Transportation- If your child is signed up for transportation you should receive notice from the transportation department prior to school starting. If you do not, please call 693-4418.
-School Supplies- A school supply list is provided. Students should arrive at school with the necessary supplies to start learning on Wednesday, July 31st. Please reach out to the school office if you need support.
-Afterschool Care- We will know more about our Ready, Set, Go! Program closer to the start of the year, however many of our families use Proctor Center, Neighborhood House, Carver Center, Dream Center, South Side Mission, Rogy’s and Boys and Girls clubs for afterschool activities with transportation from school to the location each day.
We look forward to seeing you and your 1st through 8th grader on Monday, July 29th at 5:00 pm for Back-to-School night and your kindergartener at 1:30 on Tuesday, July 30th. Please feel free to call or email with any questions or concerns- 672-6574 or allen@psd150.org Thank you for sharing your child with us at Elise Ford Allen Academy. We look forward to another wonderful year!
Yours in Education,
Laura Rodgers
The Elise Ford Allen Academy Pledge
I pledge to learn in school today,
to always behave in a positive way.
By following the required RIDER Way,
I move forward and grow each and every day!