
Reservoir Gifted Academy

The program at Reservoir Gifted Academy is a full-time academic program designed to support academically gifted students in 5th-8th grades. It offers students an opportunity to engage in learning activities at an accelerated pace, depth, and complexity of on grade-level and above-grade-level curriculum. 

Qualifying students will have consistently demonstrated exceptional abilities in both mathematics and reading as measured by the Northwest Evaluation Association’s Measures of Academic Progress (NWEA MAP) which is a nationally normed assessment. In addition to the NWEA MAP Assessment, qualifying students will have performed Above Average on the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and/or the  Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) and performs at the Meets or Exceeds level on the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) in both reading and math.

Identification and Selection Process for Fifth Grade Admission to Reservoir Gifted Academy

Universal Screening

  • The systematic assessment of all students within a grade level for identifying exceptional ability or potential.

  • All Peoria Public School students in 4th grade are screened for consideration for admittance to Reservoir Gifted Academy as a 5th grader for the following year.

Consideration Process:

  • Letters of consideration were emailed to families for all 4th grade students meeting the District’s identification criteria on January 24, 2025.

  • This letter is to notify families that their child met the criteria for consideration for admittance to Reservoir Gifted Academy as a 5th grader for the following year and is NOT an acceptance letter.

Selection Process:

  • The gifted selection process includes a review of assessment data and qualitative data on students.

  • Selection committee members review student data, endeavoring to appropriately place students so their needs and skill readiness will be met.

  • Decisions are made based on a student’s performance on a variety of assessments.

  • Acceptance letters will be emailed to families for students admitted to fifth grade at Reservoir Gifted Academy for the following year.

  • Waitlist and non-acceptance letters will be emailed to families for students placed on the waitlist and students not accepted to fifth grade at Reservoir Academy for the following year.

  • Admitted students will automatically continue at Reservoir Gifted Academy through eighth grade.

RGA Criteria


We are now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year.