Credit Recovery Program
The sessions begin promptly at 2:35 and end at 4:35 Monday thru Thursday.
Students in Peoria Public Schools will use Edgenuity as the means to credit recovery. Modules in the Edgenuity program must be completed and mastered to meet the Illinois Standard Course of Study. These are consistent across the district.
Students must score a 60% or above on the final unit test in each module in order to move forward. Students are encouraged to work at their own pace.
The credit recovery grade will not take the place of the failing grade on the transcript.
Credit recovery quizzes and tests cannot be taken at home. Regular course work may be completed at home.
Students shall not miss more than 3 classes unexcused. Upon the 4th unexcused miss the student may be dropped from the program.
Students will not be tardy to credit recovery more than 6 times. Upon the 7th tardy a student may be dropped from the program.
If a student is placed into “In-School Suspension” during the school day, they are required to attend Credit recovery after school.
If a student is suspended out of school, they must meet with their grade level counselor and could be removed from credit recovery.
Students have 9 weeks to complete the course.
Credit recovery is a free service provided by Peoria Public Schools. Only students who are serious participants in the program will be allowed the opportunity. If students become a behavior problem or cause other disruptions, they will be recommended to the counselor for removal from the course.
Students must have permission to access the internet. Students who violate the student user internet user agreement will be removed from the program.
Students who take credit recovery must provide their own transportation.