Speech Team

Coaching Staff: 

Head Coach: Alyssa Emanuelson (Email Alyssa Emanuelson )  

Asst. Coach: Kelly Nehls (Email Kelly Nehls )

Asst Coach: Haley Conger (Email Haley Conger

Speech Team Photo

Basic Overview:
Speech Team is an IHSA-sanctioned event, much like athletic events, with a season that runs from October-February. There are 14 different events one may enter into. Please contact Alyssa Emanuelson, Head Speech Coach, for further information at Email Alyssa Emanuelson .


Dramatic Duet Acting: 8 minute partner duet with a scene from a play portrayed. The only props allowed are two chairs and a table 

Dramatic Interp: an 8 minute individual event that is from a play or a book and is "acted out" by the participant using a concept called character popping

Extemporaneous Speaking: a limited prep event in which the participant is given a question--typically political in nature--and they have 45 minutes to create a 6 minute speech that answers the question

Humorus Duet Acting: the same as DDA--but funny in nature

Humerous Interp: the same as DI--funny in nature

Info: writes a speech that informs the audience of a topic of importance

Impromptu Speaking: a limited prep event in which the participant is give a phrase; person; or word; and has two minutes to create a six minute speech

Original Comedy: the participant creates a funny 8 minute "skit" where you pop between characters and tell your own story

Original Oratory: participant writes an 8 minute pesuasive speech on a topic of importance to them in an effort to sway the audience their way

Oratorical Declamation: participant recites a piece from a blog, book, or well-known speech and puts their own connotation on it.

Poetry: develops a theme using published poetry and puts his/her own dramatic spin on it in an 8 minute piece

Prose: reads a "story" with a bit of popping to the audience. The piece chosen should teach the audience a lesson

Radio: student gives a five minute scripted presentation similar to a radio DJ

Special Occasion Speaking: creates an 8 minute piece that is funny with a point and attempts to persuade the audience to their side of thinking 

Performance in the Round: 15 minute selected scene from a play in which a group of students use props to entertain the audience