Science Club

From our 2018 trip to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.
Thanks for visiting the RHS Science Club's website!
What is Science Club?
The Richwoods Science Club is a (mostly) student-led organization for exploring science activities and community science projects. The club is made up of 10th-12th grade students interested in continuing science outside of the classroom. The major activities consist of community science projects (see handout), events and field experiences.
How Do I Join?
To be a member of the RHS Science Club you have to get involved! See the How Do I Get Involved? section and see which group is the best fit for you!
Handouts from our introductory meeting: (click here: handout & powerpoint).
How Do I Get Involved?
The following groups will be active during 2nd semester - if you want to be a part of the club you'll need to pick one and contact me!
Science Squires (group closed) - Groups of RHS students will be conducting science demonstrations for 3rd grade classes over at Northmoor & Kellar starting in late February. This will likely be a yearly activity, so if you aren't a part of it this year you've got another shot next year!
Lead Leaders (group closed) - Lead poisoning is a big problem in Peoria, with over 10% of children tested in the 61603-61606 zip codes having high levels of lead in their blood. This can be extremely harmful for children ages 6 & under, with complications such as low IQ, speech and hearing difficulties, increased antisocial behavior and ADHD. A group of RHS students is working to address this problem, partnering with the Peoria Health Department and community group to increase the number of children tested, get the effected families financial help to remove lead from their homes, as well as building a public awareness campaign to educate families about how to reduce the amount of lead dust in their homes.
Sibling Science (group open!) - Little kids love science activities, though many don't have access to them at home. You can help! We're building small science experiments and demonstrations that can be fit in a small tote and checked out by third graders to share with their family. We call them Family Science Kits, and all you have to do to is find a small science inexpensive science demonstration and try it out! If it works and you think it would be engaging for little kids you'll need to write up the science behind the activity and bring it to me. We'll take the best activities and make them part of the Family Science Kits, and maybe we can excite a bunch of future little scientists!
Radon Video Contest - Radon exposure is a big problem in the United States, with over 21,000 deaths annually attributed to this radioactive carcinogen. The American Lung Association sponsors a video contest, with cash prizes! See the following link (click here) for more details.
Activity Organizer - Want to be a part of science club but don't fit into any of the other groups? Start your own! Contact me and let me know what you'd like to do - put on a science movie night, recruit a speaker, etc - and we'll see what I can do to help you get your idea off the ground!
The Periodical
Interested in editing or writing the RHS Science Club newsleter? Get some hard-working friends together and let me know you're interested! Some past issues are shown below to use as example.
Special thanks to the Peoria Public Schools Foundation and PNC Bank for supporting our activities and helping make the RHS Science Club possible!

Additional Questions? Contact me (Mr. Baumgardner) at Email Mr. Baumgardner or stop by Room 402 and ask me in person.