Ravenous Readers

Welcome to the Ravenous Readers Club! If you are here, then you obviously have a veracious appetite for reading and you have come to the right place. This year we have a great variety of books which we found on the Cyber Driver Read for a Lifetime list so I am sure you will find plenty which will appeal to your taste. Who knows? You might even find a book outside your favorite genre that you find award worthy! Expand your horizons! Feed your need to read!
Take a bite out of your need to read
Starving for a new book??
You must attend at least 3 meetings.
We will try to work on the same book at the same time so we can have some awesome meetings!
There will be a few months which you will pick your own book from the list. This way you can be sure to get to some of those books which don't make the group voting cut!
Participate in meetings - we want to hear what you have to say! (Just don't give away too much!)
Be open to new books and genres.
I want to hear what you want to read. Please make suggestions!
We will vote on the books we will be reading so make your voice heard!
Since this is a participation book club, there will be no summary required this year but meetings are a must.
**Adjustments will be made for students who have employment or school function obligations.**
Read, Read, Read!
Sounds simple enough right?
Come down and ask Mrs. Daugherty for more details.

The Ravenous Readers Club will meet after school once a month on Wednesdays from 1:45 to 2:30. (see schedule below)
Club/Group/Activity Description
Ms. Shelley Daugherty
One Wednesday per month 2:30 – 3:30
RHS- Library
Ravenous Readers is a book club encourages our students’ love of literature and engages them in discussions which cause them to become more global thinkers. The Ravenous Readers is open to all students of RHS as well as staff who would like to participate. This club is for students who like to read and would like participate in discussion groups to talk about books they read. Members vote on which books they would like to read and will have a voice in popular books in the state of Illinois.
Students will select books from popular reading lists such as the Abe Lincoln Book Award, and Read for a Lifetime. These students will have one book a month to complete. At the end of each month, students will meet to discuss what they learned from the book and what they found most interesting. The discussions will encourage the students to think of themselves as part of a global community and enhances clear communication skills.
Ravenous Readers Meeting Dates: