Procedures and Expectation
1. Library Rules and Policies are explained on Page 13 of the Student Planner. Please read over this page and be familiar with the material.
2. The library is a place of study, quiet reading, and research. Whether you are in the library on a pass for individual work, or with a classroom teacher for a particular assignment, please be respectful of those around you who are studying.
3. All library materials are to be used with respect and care. If you have troubles with the computers, please ask the librarian for help.
4. If you abuse materials in the library, you may have your library privileges revoked.
5. There is no food or drink allowed in the library.
6. You must check out material with your Student ID. Please have your id card handy when you check out.
7. If you wish to use periodicals (magazines) from the back room, please ask the librarian for assistance. Do not search in the back room on your own.
8. Please put furniture in the same condition as you found it. It takes everyone's assistance to keep the library organized and clean.
9. Unless you are with a classroom teacher, you are expected to work alone in the library. If you need to work with a group, please check the the librarian for permission.
10. All materials in the library must be checked out properly before being removed from the library. Some materials are for library use only. Please be sure to check with the librarian before removing items from the library.
11. If library materials are checked out under your name, you are responsible for them if they are lost, stolen, or damaged.
12. If your library materials are overdue, a fine of 10 cents a school day is charged to your account. Please make sure to bring all materials back on time.
13. If you lose library materials and do not pay for them, you library privileges may be revoked.
14. Please follow the attendance procedures in your Student Handbook. Sign in and present your pass to the librarian. You should plan to remain in the library for the entire period (take care of restroom breaks, trips to locker, etc. on your way to the library) unless you have been sent on a particular errand.
15. If you use materials from the library, please re-shelve them only if you know where the materials should be places. Otherwise, bring the materials to the librarian for proper reshelving. Improperly shelved materials are lost to other users.
16. Whenever you have a question about research or use of materials in the library, please ask the librarian for help.