Key Club

Key Club Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Deanna Osborne
Kiwanis Advisor: Margaret Toniny, Kiwanis Club of Peoria
What is Key Club?
Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service to others. As members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club has approximately 250,000 members in approximately 5000 clubs. There are Key Clubs in 30 Countries.
Mission Statement
Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership.
Service Projects students have been involved with @RHS thru Key Club
Donated $1000.00 towards the girls softball score board
Donated $300.00 towards the RHS Swim & Dive
Donated $200.00 to Heifer International
Donated $100.00 to PAWS Giving Independence
Provided our members with free t-shirts
Peoria Illinois River Sweep (September)
Pioneer Days –Sommer Park (September)
Hayrides & Hotdogs – Sommer Park (October)
Kiwanis Club of Peoria Pancake Breakfast (October)
Habitat for Humanity – Family Fun Day (October)
Howl-zoo-ween – Peoria Zoo (October)
You’ve Been Boo’d Haunted House (October)
United Way – RHS sends 2 students every month to their Youth Committee meetings.
Santa Klaus Parade in downtown Peoria (November)
Cupcake sale @ school we earn money for the club (November)
Crush Soda Can Sale (February) proceeds go to Spastic Paralysis
Easter Egg Hunt Peoria Zoo (March)
Sell Easter Eggs @ RHS proceeds go to Easter Seals (March)
Keep Peoria Beautiful (April)
We sell concessions at all the home Freshman boys basketball games
Provided concessions at all home girls/boys swim meets
Will join Interact this year for Halloween night at RHS
We attend 2 Kiwanis luncheons per year.
Last year our President won the Kiwanis scholarship awarded to a senior each year.
We also did several other volunteer opportunities in the community last year.
We meet in the Computer Lab, Room 183, at 2:00 PM., every other Wednesday (twice a month). Our meeting times are always posted on our bulletin board we maintain in the 300 hall and in the Art hallway outside of the computer lab #183. We also post signs around the school. We have 6 elected officers.