Superintendent Letter

October 30, 2024

We are pleased to share with you the results of our school district’s state report card for the 2023-2024 school year. This report provides a comprehensive overview of our schools’ performance in various areas, including academic achievement, student growth, and overall school quality. We are continuing to see an increased enrollment with 13,132 students across 25 school buildings. Peoria Public Schools believe in providing every student with the instruction and resources they need to reach their full potential.

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) released the annual Illinois Report Card, offering a deeper understanding of the academics, climate, and culture of each school and a quantitative look into Peoria Public Schools’ standing as a District. These designations measure our growth compared to the other 852 districts in the State of Illinois.

To give context, except for Chicago Public Schools, Peoria Public Schools is the only large K-12 school district in Illinois that serves a student population with a low-income rate exceeding 78% and a mobility rate exceeding 19%. Every student deserves a bright future and while the path to seeing equitable outcomes is not linear, the newly released ISBE report card reflects that Peoria Public Schools is continually moving forward.

For the 2023-2024 school year, 44% of PPS earned a designation of commendable or higher. Seven schools improved in designations. Three schools jumped two designation levels: Rolling Acres Middle School, Franklin Primary, and Glen Oak Community Learning Center. Reservoir Gifted Academy also maintained its exemplary status, placing it in the top 10% of all Illinois schools.

Peoria Public School’s Highlights:

  • All three high schools earned a commendable designation with no underperforming student groups.

  • The average high school graduation rate is 80%, a dramatic rise from 65% in 2015.

  • 85% of 9th-grade students finished the school year on track to graduate on time, compared to just 74% in 2015.

  • 88% of full-time teachers return to their positions every year compared to 78% in 2015.

  • Chronic Absenteeism dropped 4%

  • 60% of schools increased science proficiency

By expanding access to personalized software, revitalizing reading curriculum, and increasing in-person interventions, 96% of our schools increased in English/Language Arts (ELA) grade-level proficiency. Compared to other IL students, PPS grew by 3.06% in math with 65% of schools increasing math proficiency. As part of our equity work all 8th grade students are enrolled in Algebra I for the 2024-25 school year.

As a District, we will not stop our efforts until every student is on grade level and graduates on time as their first step to a remarkable future. We encourage you to review the full state report card, which is available on the Illinois Report Card website here: District 150 - 2024 Report Card.

Links to individual school report cards are available above and on each school’s website. Your feedback and support are invaluable as we strive to provide the best possible education for our students. The holistic growth of Peoria Public Schools is a testament to the efforts of our committed staff, dedicated board members, resilient students and families, and unwavering community support. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in education.

With gratitude,

Dr. Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat
