Noguera, Lucia

Name:Lucia Noguera Lopez

Email Lucia Noguera


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One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.
‒Frank Smith

Welcome to the 2023-24  School Year

Hello ! My name is Lucia Noguera and I'm the ELL teacher at Liberty Leadership MS. I will be working with your student to help him/her improve his/her language skills. 

I have been teaching in District 150 since 2000. I started teaching ESL and then taught bilingual education. I missed working with ELL students and decided to go back to teach ELL students.

I have a degree in Linguistics from the University of Murcia (Spain). After I received my endorsement in ELL and bilingual education I decided to continue my education. I received my National Board Certification in English as a New Language in 2010. This is a very prestigious certification because it is a very thorough  and rigorous process.

This year I am also teaching Spanish I as an extra class . This class is only for a select group of 7th/8th grade students who want to learn Spanish and be prepared for high school. 

I feel confident that your student will be very successful in school this year. 

Feel free to email me if you have any questions, need help with anything, or have concerns.
