Last Strategic Plan (2015-2020)
Strategic Plan Information
On January 25, 2016, the Board of Education approved a five-year Strategic Plan!
Download "Our Path to 2020 with five pillars of support"
Updated 01/05/17 @ 6:30 p.m.
Download 12-17-15 Presentation on Grade Level Reconfiguration Draft Plan
(Presented to BOE as part of Strategic Plan)
Added on January 8, 2016
May 27, 2016
Dear Peoria Public Schools Stakeholder,
The Peoria Public School Strategic Plan for 2015-2020 is the result of months of work by our community, parents, students, staff and the Board of Education. There has been unprecedented collaboration to guide Peoria Public Schools to transition from a good to great district. I am grateful for all of the time, energy, hard work and creativity given by so many in the development of this plan. I thank the Board of Education for adopting this plan on January 25, 2016.
Strategic planning is a known best practice in moving an organization on an upward trajectory. As you read through this document, you will find that the strategic plan is all about mutual commitments and bold expectations. One common theme we all share is that we must be innovative and visionary in our expectations.
Our strategic plan, which is a living document, will provide us with the goals, targets, actions and measures for the next five years. We are positioned to make significant progress in the future. The focus and direction provided by the strategic plan is ever so important given our decreasing resources in the face of increased needs.
As we all work together in an innovative and aggressive manner, we will educate and graduate each student for college, career, and life in a highly changing and competitive world. I look forward to leading the implementation of the strategic plan with all stakeholders to augment graduation rates and raise the level of achievement for all of our students.
I am excited about our shared vision to guide the success of our students, district and community.
Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat, Ed.D.
Superintendent, Peoria Public Schools