Staff Systems
Scroll down to see clickable links. Click on the pink sections to expand for more links.
Staff Systems
Scroll down to see clickable links. Click on the pink sections to expand for more links.
STAFF EMAIL: Office 365/Outlook
Login with email address ( and email password
Skyward Finance/Employee Access
PO's, Paystubs, W-2 (
Login with your district email address & email password; or use optional Skyward username (usually lastname+4) and Skyward Finance/Employee Access password. See instructions below.
Attendance, Grades (
Login with your district email address & email password; or use optional Skyward username (usually lastname+4) and Skyward Finance/Employee Access password. See instructions below.
Staff: click this link to clock in/out from a device connected to the district network (an alternative to the physical timeclocks in the building). You can also use this link at home to view your TCP hours. Your "External ID" is your Windows username (lastname+4) and then use your Windows/email password.
Managers: click this link to view and approve timeclock hours. Your "External ID" is your Windows username (lastname+4) and then use your Windows/email password.
CAPPS Content Access
Staff: Login using district email address & password to access CAPPS.
Staff Password Change
Login using lastname+4 and Windows password to change your Windows/email password.
Staff & Student Password Information
Staff: Login using lastname+4 and Windows password to see the page. For student login information, please review just the student portion with your class.
Destiny - Library/Textbook Program
Login using lastname+4 and Windows password (unless you have been provided a different username/password)
Call HR at 672-6770 for login assistance
Archived emails
Login with district email address and then use the Sign in with Microsoft button
TripTracker Field Trip Requests
Login using lastname+4 and birthdate with no leading zero – call Transportation at 693-4418 for login assistance
Technology support request system
Login with email address ( and Windows password
Staff portal into the FOIA system
Login with Windows username and the password you set for this system.
Health & Safety (PublicSchoolWorks)
Employee online health & safety training
Login using your district email address (, or the alternate username/password provided above the username textbox