Kontos, Alayna

Alayna Kontos

1st Grade

Hello!! Welcome to Ms. Kontos' Webpage!

Hello parents and students! On this website you will have access to important information that will be helpful and informative. I hope this site helps parents stay up-to-date on their child's learning. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

My name is Alayna Kontos.  I have been teaching for 24 years, mostly as a Kindergarten teacher, but this is my 6th year teaching 1st grade and I love it!  I have 2 children, a 18 year old boy and a 14 year old girl. This is my 13th year teaching at Trewyn.  I'm looking forward to a great year in 1st grade!

There are several YouTube channels and free Educational Sites listed below in the boxes for your child to do for extra practice.

Please scroll to the bottom of page to watch classroom video and Journal writing video

Email Alayna Kontos

Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor's Degree - Bradley University - Master's Degree - Bradley University & an additional 75 hours of Education classes
