Welcome to Reservoir Gifted!
Find us at: 3706 N. Grand Boulevard Peoria, IL 61614
Call us at: 309-672-6563
Dear Reservoir Gifted Academy Families,
Welcome to the 2024- 2025 school year at Reservoir Gifted Academy. We are excited to return on July 31st for a new and exciting school year.
RGA has an amazing PTO, and our Executive Board members are always looking for parents to help with the many events we host here at RGA. PTO meetings are typically held on the third Thursday of the month at 6:00, both on Zoom and in person. PTO information will be included in the Back-to-School packet given to students on the first day of school.
One of the unique aspects of RGA is the plethora of activities, clubs, athletics, and academic teams that are offered. Please encourage your child to try new things.
All new RGA students have been matched with a mentor buddy as part of our Bigs and Littles program. Your Little should have received a postcard from their Big in mid June. The Bigs and Littles program has been at RGA for many years, and we look to enhance the mentorship between our new students and their Big.
Upcoming Information and Dates
Wildcat Eve
Let’s start the year the Wildcat Way! Incoming 5th graders and new students, along with their Bigs, are invited to Wildcat Eve on Monday, July 29th from 6:00 – 7:00. Bigs will help their Littles set up lockers, tour the building, and socialize with classmates. While the 5th graders and new students are setting up lockers and touring with their Big, parents will be invited to socialize with other parents and meet with Ms. Hayes (counselor) and Mrs. Martin (principal) for a question/answer session. Students will bring all supplies and receive their locks to practice their combinations. Bigs and Littles can pick up their free back to school spirit wear shirt at Wildcat Eve, courtesy of the PTO.
Unpack Your Backpack/Locker Set Up
Continuing in our Wildcat Way 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are invited to locker set up on Tuesday, July 30th from 12:00 – 1:00. Students will receive their locker assignments and locks and will be able to bring supplies, set up lockers, and see their classrooms on this day. Returning students will receive their free back to school spirit wear shirt at Unpack Your Backpack.
NOTE – no stickers of any kind are allowed on the outside or inside of lockers. Please use only scotch tape on the outside of lockers. No masking tape or duct tape is allowed on locker surfaces.
Open House/Back to School Night
RGA will host our Open House on Thursday, August 8th from 5:30 – 6:30. We are planning for food trucks to be here from 5:00 – 7:00 for our families and staff to eat and socialize. More details will be included in our Back-to-School packet.
School Hours and Uniform Guidelines
The first day of school is Wednesday, July 31st. Our school hours are 7:30 – 2:30.
The RGA dress code and school supply lists are posted on our website. Students may wear their new spirit wear shirt, along with proper uniform bottoms, on the first day of school. Spirit wear purchased from our online store can be worn any day of the week and 5th -7th graders and new students will only be allowed to wear RGA items. Current students in 8th grade can continue to wear “vintage” WGMS spirit wear, including WGMS hoodies. We are phasing out hoodie sweatshirts and they will no longer be available in our spirit wear store. We will open the online store in August.
The entire Reservoir Gifted Academy staff looks forward to welcoming our families to the 2024 - 2025 school year. You play a vital role in the education of each of our students and we welcome your support. Please let me know if you have any questions as the school year unfolds.
Mrs. Susan Martin
Mrs. Susan Martin, Principal
July 29th – Wildcat Eve for all 5th graders and new students 6:00 – 7:00
July 30th – Unpack your Backpack/Locker set up for returning 6th/7th/8th graders 12:00 – 1:00
July 31st – First day of school 7:30 – 2:30
August 8th – Back to School Open House (5:30 – 6:30) and Food Trucks (5:00 – 7:00)
Reservoir Gifted's Mission:
The mission of Reservoir Gifted Academy is to empower students to become responsible, self-directed, and lifelong learners. Through positive partnerships of family, school, and community, our students will achieve an intrinsic concept that will extrinsically serve them throughout their lives beyond RGA, thus, creating valuable members to our community.