Get Involved!

From classroom helpers to standard school supplies, and from classroom furniture to technology, our school invites the community to see our needs and consider ways you might be able to contribute to the remarkable success of our students, staff and school!

We have divided our needs into categories to allow you to easily find a way that YOU can help! We have small classroom items, field trip donations, volunteer opportunities, large school projects and technology needs.

Small Classroom Items

If you find an item on this list you would like to donate as your gift to our school, please Email school principal or call our school office at (309) 672 - 6563

  • books and magazines for the Library (check the Library page of this website for lists)

  • Mrs. Fleming would like markers and watercolors for classes  

  • Musical Instruments

  • New York Times Upfront magazine for Mrs. Prescott's social studies students for next year

  • Our decades projects can always use non-fiction resources from 1890s-2000. We look at the literature, events, fashion, language, foods, fads from the time.

Field Trip Donations

Some students may not be able to pay the full cost for field trips. Fundraisers help, but do not cover everything. Please consider helping to fund some of our great field trips.

  • Emiquon/Dickson Mounds

  • 7th grade Challenger Field Trip

  • St. Louis Zoo and St. Louis City Museum

  • Springfield

  • The 8th grade Lorado Taft field trip is a favorite of every graduating class

  • Matthiessen State Park

Volunteer Opportunities

 Our current needs are listed below.

  • Volunteer

  • After-school Activities -- coaches, club leadership 

  • Adopt-a-school partners

  • PTO -- committee members and volunteers

  • Fundraising

Large School Projects

While they may be confined to one classroom or the whole school may be involved, we also have larger projects we often do not have the funding to complete. Many times, our Parent Teacher Organization/Committee is able to help with these projects, but they must also work by priority and often times cannot complete these projects for some time. We would welcome your participation and/or contributions to our larger school projects. Perhaps you also have your own idea that you would like to support. Contact the Peoria Public Schools Foundation for more information or to submit a pledge of support.

Technology Needs

Community help with school technology needs is organized through the Peoria Public Schools Foundation. This process allows us to keep clear and focused goals when it comes to technology and still be aligned with our technology policies and systems. Our school submits our technology needs to the PPS Foundation. Please visit their website and contact the Foundation at (309) 672-6738 or Email Foundation to find out more about making a technology donation.