School Your Way: Senior Year at ICC

A new dual credit program is available for students: Senior Year at ICC. Students spend their entire senior year on the ICC Campus taking college level courses that are also counted as high school credit. There is a prescribed list of courses with only a few electives that are open. This program is a choice for non-International Baccalaureate students or students who have not already taken freshman-level courses in junior year.
Must be a Peoria Public Schools registered student in Junior Year.
Non-weighted GPA of 2.8
Students must have taken at least two weighted courses and passed each with an A, B, or C in core classes.
Must have completed SAT (usually taken in April of each year) and all other required high school assessments through junior year.
Must have favorable teacher, counselor, and outside references (forms available in application packet).
Must participate in full day program.
Students are not eligible if they have been in IB or D2 as courses will be at the same credit levels and would be redundant.
Students must pay for all textbooks and fees (district and ICC)
Students must be on track to graduate
Pass ICC Accuplacer exams.
Courses include:
Political Science 115, Economics 111, Two English Courses (English 110, 111, Communications 110, and Literature 110), College Success 110 and 111, One Math 110, 111, 115 or another, and Choice of Art 110, Psych 110, Sociology 110, Lab Science or other of interest. Students must be taking full load courses. If interested in a partial day program, please work through high school counselors.
Information and details on how to enroll is available from high school counselors. Students must enroll online at ICC and pass the reading and math Accuplacer exams.
Peoria Public Schools and Illinois Central College have the right to modify requirements at any time and expectations as new information is available.