Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
If you are a Kellar family who drops their student(s) off on the playground area in the morning, please make sure to do the following to keep the line of cars moving safely and efficiently:
Pull your car all the way up to the last cone or behind the car in front of you to make room for other cars that are or may be entering the playground area behind you.
Make sure your student(s) is ready to immediately get out of the vehicle when you stop.
If your student can open the door, get out of the vehicle, and shut the door on their own, please have them do so, especially if teachers are busy with other vehicles.
If your student(s) exits the car before entering the cone area, please stay in the line of cars and drive around the cones. When you are driving on school property or on Mount Hawley Road, please take your time, do not speed, and do not talk or browse on cell phones.
After School Pick-Up: To keep dismissal orderly at the end of the day, when picking students up from the cafeteria, exit 2, by the garbage bin, and exit 3, around the back corner, are for exiting only. To enter the school building to pick your student(s) up from the cafeteria, please only come through exit 4 located on the right after you completely walk pass the newer playground equipment. Please share this with anyone who may be coming to pick your student(s) up after school.
If you park your car inside the fence during pick-up, please move your car to a parking spot outside of the fence immediately after dismissal if you decide to stay a little longer. For the safety of students and our Kellar families, we want to have the exit gate closed as soon as possible.
If a friend or relative drops your student(s) off in the morning or picks them up in the afternoon, please share these procedures with them. Thank you for all you do, nobody plays a more important role in the educational success of a student than their parent(s) / guardian(s).