Christy, Molly


Third Grade

E-Learning Day Directions

A packet of materials is located in your student's take-home folder. Complete the assignments by the date listed on the first page (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3).

Directions for logging on to platforms (Lexia, iReady, etc) can be found on the Kellar website or in the middle section of your student's take-home folder. Click on "e-learning plan," then "skooler," then choose the platform your student needs to work on.

Skooler provides links to Lexia, iReady, and AR (Renaissance Learning).

Lexia usernames: student ID

Passwords for all sites: 8-digit student birthdate

To access search "" on google and enter the class code wnx3883. Students then click on their name to access their account.

Packets, minutes on platforms, and logging onto platforms will be used for attendance.

You can reach me for questions on Class Dojo or my district email.

Additional Resources