Mrs. Bloom's 4th Grade

"Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world." -Roald Dahl (Matilda)

This is my second year at Kellar!

I am so excited to be teaching 4th grade this year!

Fourth Grade

Lunch Time: 11:45-12:15

School Hours: 8:30-3:30

SIP Day Hours: 8:30-11:30

Recess Time: 12:15-12:30 daily

  • Monday: PE

  • Tuesday: Technology/Music

  • Wednesday: PE

  • Thursday: Music/Art

  • Friday: Music

Snow Day Procedures-

In the event of a snow day, students will work on their choice board. This should be found in their backpack. They are to complete at least 5 activities from the menu. They should try to make a "bingo." Some of activities require internet. If this is unavailable, please choose other activities.

Here is the link as a back up!

Snow Day Menu

If you have any questions, please email me at or contact me on Class Dojo!