Stice, Nathan

Mr. Nathan Stice with his wife

Hi, my name is Nathan Stice. I am currently teaching 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade Inclusion model Special education at Whittier Primary School and this will be my 6th year here and my 7th year in the district. I am a Peoria alum and have spent most of my life in this area. I grew up in district 150, going to school in Peoria and have been greatly influenced by the magnificent teachers that I had growing up as a student. After going to Woodruff High school, I went on to get my Bachelors degree in Special Education and Elementary Education at Bradley University.

When I am not in the classroom I love to be outdoors as much as possible doing activities such as hiking, frisbee golfing, swimming and frequently going camping with my wonderful wife Elizabeth, our Australian cattle dog named Taz and out beautiful blue Pitbull named Stormie that we were able to rescue from PAWS (the Peoria Animal Welfare Shelter).

Grade: 2nd-4th Special Education Inclusion