Whittier Primary School
2nd Grade Supply List
2- green plastic pocket folders
1- 1 ½” three ring binder
1- pack of clear sheet protectors (with 3 holes)
1- wide ruled spiral notebook-any color
2- boxes of pencils
1- pair of scissors
2 -glue sticks
1- ruler
2- 24 count of Crayola crayons
2- 12 count of Crayola Markers
1- pencil box or pouch
4- boxes of tissues
1- large bottle of hand sanitizer
1- book bag large enough for folders (no wheels)
Headphones or Ear buds (must have)
2 -pink erasers
2 -boxes black expo markers (broad tip)
1- box zip sandwich baggies
2- large containers of Clorox Wipes
2- packs of lined 3X5 index cards
1 pair of gym shoes
Please DO NOT send *mechanical pencils, *ink pens, *personal pencil sharpeners, or *3 ring binder organizers.
Supplies that do not meet the above criteria will be given back to the student for use at home.