Von Steuben E-Learning Plan

Our teachers have set up Microsoft Teams Meetings to host classes following the bell schedule above.
Microsoft Teams can be accessed at https://teams.microsoft.com/ and login with
Username: (lunchnumber)@students.psd150.org
password: (8 digit birthday example: 11121985)
Internet Access Issues:
We understand that some families may face challenges with internet access. In such cases, our teachers have posted the choice board on their Microsoft Teams page. This will allow students to access and complete assignments even in the absence of a stable internet connection. We will make every effort to distribute choice boards to students ahead of time. These boards will contain assignments and activities that align with the curriculum and can be completed at home.
Students in the 5th grade alternative classroom may work on Accelus if they have the means at home. If not, they may choose items from the menu as well.
Contacting Teachers:
Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please refer to the teachers' webpage for information on how to contact them. They will be readily available during the school day to address any concerns you may have.