Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medications
Prescription and OTC Medication
NEWS: Parents must bring a new School Medication Authorization form to the office each year for any medicine to be given to a student. Medication cannot be given to students without a filled out form! Any medication must be in the original container and may only be taken as stated on the container.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) please pick up from the school any unused medication which was prescribed for your child. If you do not pick up the medication by the end of the school year, the school will discard the medication.
In order for staff to give a student prescription or over-the-counter medication (such as ibuprofen, cough drops or eye drops) the parent or guardian must fill out the School Medicine Authorization Form. Click to open and print this form. These forms are also available in the office.
For inhalers ONLY, a copy of the Rx label substitutes for the health care provider signature. Students may carry inhalers with parent and school nurse approval; we do request that an extra inhaler be kept in the school office.
EpiPens may only be carried upon written health care provider approval on the Illinois Food Allergy Emergency Action Plan and Treatment Authorization form.
Diabetes Management
A new Diabetes Medical Management Plan is required each school year.