Destination Imagination
Destination Imagination (DI) is an educational non-profit that teaches the creative process to 125,000 students each year and takes place in 48 states and more than 30 countries. Teams of students select one challenge from a choice of six. Each challenge is developed by educators and industry experts who target a particular area including Technical, Scientific, Fine Arts, Improvisational, Structural, and Service Learning. Up to 7 members can be on a team with an adult Team Manager who helps the students stay on track but does not directly help the team develop their solution. The teams meet regularly to work on their challenge, and they compete at a Regional Tournament. Qualifying teams may participate in the Affiliate (state) tournament. A few teams may even make it to Global Finals. Throughout the experience, students improve in creative thinking, critical thinking, and collaborative problem solving.
DI will kick off in September with a meeting for interested students and their parents. If you are a past participant who already has a team, there is no need to attend. New participants or students who need a team should come. We will discuss the program, this year's challenges, and form teams.
For more information, visit Destination Imagination website and website