Welcome to 5th Grade Math!

This is my 4th year at Rolling Acres and my 13th year in the District. I am from the Peoria Area and attended Farmington High School. Teaching is my second career. I graduated Eureka College with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. After having my own 2 daughters I discovered a love of teaching and earned my Master Degree in Education in 2006. I have also taught ELA and Social Studies in the past and worked a few years teaching high school Algebra and Geometry at the Peoria Regional Alternative High School. In the past I have coached cheerleading and dance and also scholastic bowl.

I live outside of Bartonville and have a Golden Retriever, Ruby Lou and 4 cats. I love to spend time with my daughters, read, and go to Disney World!

I hope everyone has a MARVELous year!!

Fluency Matters!

Please practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts!

Other procedural skills that will help your child be successful in math:

  • decomposing or breaking apart numbers, such as combinations that add to 20, 50, or 100

  • naming multiples of numbers through 10 and also of 25 and 15

  • doubling numbers

  • halving numbers

  • knowing common fraction equivalents such as 1/2 = 5/10

  • knowing common fraction/decimal conversions, such as 1/4 = 0.25

Mathematical Mindsets!

  • Everyone can learn math to high levels. Your brain is like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the bigger it gets. New experiences grow your brain.

  • Struggle and mistakes are an important part of learning. The best time for brain growth is when the brain is challenged.

  • Speed is not important in math. We all work at different paces.

  • Believe in yourself. Beliefs about your own abilities can change the way your mind works. People with a growth mindset work in better ways, are more persistent, and keep going when problems are hard.