Health Services
Welcome back to school, healthy and ready to learn!
My name is Mrs. Laura Miller, RN, IL/NCSN, school nurse for RHS feeder schools.
I encourage you to contact me via your child's school office regarding your child's health concerns, or any questions about Peoria Public Schools health services .
Important notice!
Health Record Requirements
Physical exam dated 8/19/20 or later: Kindergarten, 6th grade, 9th grade,& students new to Illinois
up to date immunization record, including proof of Tdap vaccine for 6th - 12th grade
Please complete and sign the health history portion of the exam paper, and submit these records to the school office in August.
We must receive the above records by October 15, 2022, or your child will be excluded from school until the requirement is met.
Other health record requirements
Dental exam dated 11/15/20 or later: Kindergarten, 2nd, 6th grade due by May 15, 2022
Eye exam dated 8/19/20 or later: Kindergarten, and students new to Illinois due by October 15, 2022
Students participating in extracurricular sports must submit a sport physical each year.
Please note that the IESA / IHSA sport physical forms do NOT count as the school exam.
The health care provider may mark approval for sports on the school exam form.
A new school medication form is required each August before the medication is dispensed.
Please submit the medication in the original labeled container.
All medications are stored locked in the school office (except as noted below).
For inhalers ONLY, a copy of the Rx label substitutes for the health care provider signature on the form.
Elementary students are requested to keep the inhalers in the school office; middle school students may carry their inhaler upon receipt of the school medication form, and approval of parent and school nurse. We request that a spare inhaler be kept in the school office.
EpiPens may be carried only upon receipt of health care provider approval on the completed Illinois Food Allergy Emergency Action Plan and Treatment Authorization.
A new Diabetes Medical Management Plan, and Illinois Food Allergy Emergency Action Plan and Treatment Authorization is required each August, and acts as the school medication form.
Looking forward to a great year!