Ana Marie Calma Quijano

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Hi. I am Ms. Ana, an International Teacher from the Philippines teaching Art 1 and Ceramics.

Art is a diverse range of human activity, and resulting product, that involves creative or imaginative talent expressive of technical proficiency, beauty, emotional power, or conceptual ideas.

Ceramics are classified as inorganic and nonmetallic materials that are essential to our daily lifestyle.

Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

El arte es la expresión o aplicación de la imaginación y la habilidad creativa humana, generalmente en una forma visual como la pintura o la escultura, que produce obras que se aprecian principalmente por su belleza o poder emocional.

Have fun :)

Que te diviertas :)


Name: Ana Marie Calma Quijano

Nationality: Filipino


Grade level: 9-12 

Room 112A and 114A

Did you know that the Philippines is situated in the western pacific ocean and consists of around 7,641 islands that are broadly categorized under three main geographical divisions from north to south: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

¿Sabía que Filipinas está situada en el océano Pacífico occidental y consta de alrededor de 7641 islas que se clasifican en términos generales en tres divisiones geográficas principales de norte a sur: Luzón, Visayas y Mindanao?

Please let me know if you have questions.

Por favor hágame saber si tiene preguntas



ART 1 

The elements and principles of design are the building blocks used to create a work of art.

Elements of Art are the visual "tools" that artists use to create an art work - they are what makes up an image or an art object: line, shape/form, value, color, space, and texture.

Principles of Design are the ways artists use the Elements of Art in an artwork - this is "what we do with the Elements" - how we arrange them, how we balance them, what is being emphasized, etc. The principles are: balance, contrast, repetition, emphasis, and unity.

Elements of Art are the visual "tools" that artists use to create an art work

Artists manipulate these elements, mix them in with principles of design and compose a piece of art. Not every work has every last one of these elements contained within it, but there are always at least two present.

For example, a sculptor, by default, has to have both form and space in a sculpture, because these elements are three-dimensional. They can also be made to appear in two-dimensional works through the use of perspective and shading.

There are six Elements of Art:

·         Line

·         Shape / Form

·         Value

·         Color

·         Space

·         Texture

Principles of Design are the ways artists use and arrange the Elements of Art in a composition.

The Principles of design is what we do to the elements of art. How we apply the Principles of design determines how successful we are in creating a work of art.

Grading System:

Formative assignment – 30%

Summative assignment – 70%



Clay is an earthy material of fine grained minerals with traces of metal oxides and organic matter.

Pottery can be created without the use of a potter's wheel. The potter's wheel did not appear in history until only 4 000 years ago. The main construction methods were pinch and coil methods.

Clay has been used for many things throughout human history: a writing surface, building material, money, storage containers, cooking vessels and serving plates, electronic device parts, ceramic shields or tiles are used on space ships. Ceramics is a major tool for dating cultures in archeology studies.

Pinch pots are created by using your hands to shape the clay. Pinch pots are some of the oldest archaeological artifacts found on the planet.

·         Begin by forming a smooth ball that fits in your palm (fist size).

·         Press the thumb into the center half-way to the bottom.

·         Revolve the ball while pressing the walls out evenly with the other hand.

Coil pots are created by pressing coils of clay together.

·         Keeping the fingers flat, form clay into sausage shapes.

·         Roll them into ropes (coils)
1/4" to 1/2" thick

·         Coils are pressed together creating a design. Gaps are filled in with small balls of clay.

·         Inside of the wall can be smoothed.

·         Join the walls & the bottom.

The slab building technique involves rolling out clay to an even thickness - usually 1 cm - then cutting shapes, folding, bending, manipulating and joining together to form a finished object.

·         Roll slabs of clay

·         Cut out the sides

·         Join the sides (score and slip!!)

·         Attach the bottom

·         Cut out the excess clay from the bottom slab.

Other techniques include:

wheel throwing, relief (high, low, sunken), mold making & slip casting, carving, sculpting, etc.

Grading System:

Formative assignment – 30%

Summative assignment – 70%

Snow days

Snow days, choice board

Additional Resources