Hasty, Jonathon

Teacher photo

Welcome to Mr Hasty's Algebra 1 Class

Hello and welcome to my classroom!

Let me start with a little about me:

I grew up in the small town of Kappa about 15 minutes North of Bloomington/Normal. I went to El Paso-Gridley High School and participated in Track & Field as well as Swimming. I did pretty okay for both and ended up doing Track at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I ended up leaving after 4 years because I earned a Bachelor's in Mathematics with a minor in Secondary Education. a.

Attached is a picture of me in my sophomore(?) year of college.

A Little About Algebra 1:

I personally think Algebra 1 is pretty cool. It's math but for the most part you don't end up doing too much actual math. What I mean by that is there is a large focus on just moving things around to make them simpler to understand. With the skills from Algebra 1, the goal is to be able to look at complicated equations and be able to simplify them down to the point where we can understand them. That's one portion of it at least. The other portion has to do with shapes. Algebra 1 teaches us about lines, parabolas, and intersections of either. We learn how to describe them and what they mean. Even when we do those things, we don't do any actual math. We end up using those beginning skills from Algebra 1 throughout the rest of our math careers and even outside of it.

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