Grimm, Matthew

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Matthew Grimm's Online Classroom

Welcome to Mr. Grimm's classroom website.  Here you will be able to find videos, lessons, enrichment content, etc. Throughout the week I will be updating the website for each class and I will also be adding the same material to Microsoft Teams.  I will be including detailed instructions on how to access teams as the materials are developed and finalized later this week.  As this is the first time any of us have ever done this please be patient and understanding.  I will have more information for you later today once I have received more information from administration later on today.

I will be able to assist you with some of your technology issues.  However, I am limited in my technology knowledge when it comes to certain devices.  I am able to assist you with any Windows computer, Apple computer, Apple iPhone or iPad.  I am NOT able to assist with any Android devices and Google Chrome computer.

If you do not have a device and would like to check one out please the click on the following link for more details that the form that needs to be filled out.  This information may be accessed here: Student Device Check-out Request.

Contact Info

Math Literacy, PreCalculus, Economics

Email Matthew Grimm