Our Policies
Northmoor Student Uniform Policy
The following attire is mandatory for all students starting on the first day of school.
Shirts – Red, white, navy blue, light blue
Pants/Shorts/Skirts/Jumpers – Navy blue, black, or khaki
Shirts must have a collar and may be short or long sleeved. Appropriate shirts include polo, oxford, blouse, and turtleneck. All shirts are to be plain in color without writing, logos, stripes, emblems, designs, or embellishments (such as beading or embroidery). Sleeveless shirts and tank tops are not allowed. Oversized as well as tight fitting shirts will not be allowed. Shirts must be long enough to be tucked in and must be worn tucked in.
Sweaters and Sweatshirts
Sweaters and sweatshirts may be worn over collared uniform shirts. They must be red, white, navy blue, or light blue. Sweaters and sweatshirts may not have writing, logos, stripes, emblems, designs, embellishments, or hoods. The only exception is Northmoor Spiritwear which may be worn over collared uniform shirts.
PTO sells Northmoor Spiritwear several times throughout the year. Northmoor Spiritwear purchased through the school may be worn at any time. Uniform pants/shorts/skirts must still be worn with Spiritwear.
Pants must be plain dress pants. Belts should be plain brown or black. Every effort should be made to purchase pants in the correct size to avoid pants that sag or are revealing. Please note – denim pants of any color, pants with rivets, skinny leg, stretch pants, sweatpants, and nylon warm-up pants are not acceptable. Pant pockets and legs should have no decoration, decorative stitching, or embellishment.
Shorts must be dress shorts. Shorts should be plain in color without stripes or embellishments. Shorts should be at least fingertip in length when arms are held at your sides. Athletic shorts are not acceptable.
Girls may wear plain skirts, skorts, and jumpers in navy or khaki. Skirts, skorts, and jumpers must be at least fingertip length when arms are held at your side. Skirts and jumpers may be as long as ankle length. It is recommended that shorts are worn under short skirts for modesty. A uniform color collared shirt or turtleneck must be worn underneath jumpers.
Socks, shoes, and accessories
Students should wear solid white, black, or navy colored socks, tights, or leggings without logos or designs. Students may wear dress shoes without heels, tennis shoes, or sandals with a back or back strap. Flip flops, high heels, or shoes where the backs are open are not accepted for safety reasons. Tennis shoes are encouraged. Please note that hats, sweatbands, and do-rags are not allowed to be worn in the building.
If a child comes to school without a uniform or not in accordance with the policy, school staff will first contact the family to ask for a change of clothes. If no change of clothes is available or no one can be reached, students will be required to change into a uniform provided by Northmoor. If chronic uniform problems occur, disciplinary action will be taken. The uniform policy is strictly enforced.