Welcome to Mark Bills!

Find us at: 6001 N Frostwood Parkway, Peoria, IL 61615
Call us at: (309) 693-4437
July 11, 2024
Dear Eagle Community,
It is amazing how fast the summer goes, especially this year! The staff and I are extremely excited to open this school year and welcome back our Eagles. We are thrilled to kick off another successful year focused on our MBS Mission.
The Eagle staff and I plan to continue our culture of energy, fun, and high expectations. Our motto for the 2023-2024 school year is #Rowtheboat. This motto is for our entire Eagle family: students, staff, families, and the community. Each day our Eagles will engage in an academic setting geared towards our mission:
As Eagles, we soar together with STEADFAST SUPPORT for all members of our Eagle community. We live with OPTIMISM and find the good. We accept OWNERSHIP for our work and our actions, and we make AMENDS when needed. We strive for personal and academic ACHIEVEMENT or growth. And we forge meaningful, collaborative RELATIONSHIPS with everyone in our Eagle community and beyond. We soar higher by lifting others.
Please note our deliberate acronym of S.O.A.R. within our mission statement. Each letter stands for key characteristics and skills (italicized above) that we will try to develop and strengthen within our Eagles. Every day, while our Eagles are engaging with grade level content we will reflect upon these concepts and practice these life skills. Our business is educating your Eagle, but our goal is loving them and growing them as good, kind, resilient human beings. This is our pledge to you.
We greatly appreciate guardian involvement. The number one indicator of the success of a student is the level of parent/guardian involvement in the education of a child. Please get involved in any way that you can. Attend extra-curricular events, participate in our back-to-school events and conferences, join our Parent/Teacher Committee and attend our special events planned throughout the school year. These events will all be posted on our Facebook page and will be included in weekly emails and newsletters.
It is important that students have regular attendance at school and be one time each day. Our school-wide goal is always to have 95% or more attendance. If your child is sick and must be absent from school, please call the school office by 7:45 A.M. If you do not call, you will receive a recorded phone message informing you that your child is absent and will be marked as unexcused. If your child has an appointment or you have not called, please send a note when your child returns to school. The state of Illinois deems any student with 9 or more absences a year as a chronic truant. We need your help to ensure our students are here learning every day.
Students are expected to follow the Mark Bills dress code policy. We appreciate your support by purchasing clothes that meet the guidelines listed below.
Shirts –White, navy blue, light blue, sky blue, yellow, gold or black. Shirts must have a collar and be a solid color with no logo, lettering, writing, designs, or embellishments (such as beading or embroidery). Sleeveless shirts and tank tops are not allowed. Spirit wear is sold during the year and may be worn any day of the week. Solid sweatshirts (no hoodies or jackets) in black, white, grey, navy or light blue, or yellow are allowed.
Slacks/Shorts/Skirts– Navy blue, black, or khaki with no embellishment or designs. Pants and shorts must be plain dress pants or shorts. Shorts and skirts must be no more than 4 inches above the knee. Bottoms should fit at the natural waist and every effort should be made to purchase pants in the correct size to avoid sagging. Please note the following are not allowed– denim/jeans, stretch pants/spandex, sweatpants/ nylon warm-up pants or any bottoms with rips/holes. Leggins may be worn under a uniform skirt.
Shoes–Students may wear dress shoes without heels, tennis shoes or crocs (in sport mode only). Flip flops, high heels, slides, or shoes where the backs/ toes are open are not accepted for safety reasons. Tennis shoes are encouraged and are required for P.E. class.
Monday, July 17th - School secretaries return to schools
Tuesday, July 15th - Supply Drop Off - 5th grade @ 5:15pm, 6-8th grades @ 6:15pm
Wednesday, July 31st - First day of school for our Eagles, 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, July31st- Physicals and 6th grade proof of vaccines are due before admittance to the school. Students must have them turned in to attend on August 2nd.
Sports Physicals- Due before participation in practice or games for students’ sports seasons.
Watch our Facebook page and look for messages closer to the start of the school year for a Welcome Back event here at Mark Bills Middle School.
We look forward to another great year at Mark Bills Middle School. Please feel free to call or email with any questions or concerns, 693-4437 or markbills@psd150.org Thank you for sharing your child with us at Mark Bills. It’s time to #SOARtogether and #LiftEachOther with our #Rowtheboat mentality.
Tyler Hesh