Mabis-Mitchell, Dawn

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Hello! My name is Ms. Mitchell. I have been teaching kindergarten for 23 years, and each year is new and exciting! I was at Irving Primary School for 16 years, and I have been at Lincoln K-8 for 7 years. I love the new building!  

I live in Peoria with my 11-year-old son. I also have a daughter in college. I am originally from Peoria. I attended Harrison School and Manual High School. I got my bachelor's degree from Bradley University in elementary education and master's degree from St. Xavier University in teaching and leadership.  

About Kindergarten

We are becoming great readers in kindergarten! We read at least one new book each week. We are learning all of our letters and sounds, too.

We are also becoming great counters in kindergarten! We are learning to count to 100 by 1's and 10's.  Please count at home with your child!

Please look for homework in your child's folder every Wednesday. Please complete the homework and return it the next day in your child's folder. Remember...a parent is a child's first and most important teacher! 

Additional Resources