Kates, Peter

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5th-6th-7th Grade

Hello! Welcome to Peter Kates's Online Classroom!

Let me tell you something about myself:

Years of Teaching: 22 years

Years Teaching in Peoria Public Schools: 22 years

Schools Where I Have Taught: Loucks '97-'98      Lincoln '98-present.

Subjects Taught: Special Education Inclusion/Self-Contained

Colleges Attended: Loyola University of Chicago, Illinois State University

Education: B.S in History, ISU, B.S. in Education, ISU, M.S. in Education, ISU.

Subjects Certified to Teach: Special Education, History, Geography, Civics, Reading Specialist.

Family: Wife, Sharon, married 20 years, two sons, Dan, 15, John, 12.

Favorite Activities: Reading history and literature; exercise, chess, model railroading.

Favorite Novels/Short Stories:  All Quiet on the Western Front, Oliver Twist, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Short Stories of O. Henry, Crime and Punishment, War and Peace, The Brothers Karamazov, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Great Expectations, Middlemarch, Anna Karenina, Jane Eyre, Moby Dick, The Interlopers, The Bet, The Californian's Tale.

My Teaching Philosophy:   Help kids find their talents, gifts, and interests and develop them.  If you have genuine care for kids, they will respond to you positively.

Email Peter Kates

Phone: 672-6542

Room 242

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