Craig, Kelly

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Harold B Dawson

Mrs. Craig Edwards, School Counselor

Grade: HBD 5-8

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Room #: 101

Greetings!  I am your School Counselor!  What does that mean?  I am here to help YOU become the Best You, You can be!  

Small skills groups, lunch buddies, individual counseling, career/educational guidance, social emotional support, resources, classroom led Kindness Campaigns!

I graduated from Western Illinois University, Summa Cum Laude, with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Psychology. 

I worked at Children's Home as a Clinical Coordinator and Director of Peoria County Youth Services program for 14 years!

Obtained my Master of Science Degree in Psychology from Bradley University, Summa Cum Laude graduate.

I then returned to Bradley to obtain my Counselor Certification by earning a Masters of Education degree in Counseling!

Came to work at Harold B Dawson in August 2014, I have been the School Counselor for 10 school years!

If you need anything, talk, resources, a break, your teachers will let me know, make sure you have a pass to come see me, and we can schedule times to meet, but we will always see each other in the halls, and if you see me, please know, you will get a HUG!!!

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