Winter E-Learning Plan
In the event students are not able to go to school because of extreme cold or poor weather, the superintendent will send a notice out to all families.
Students should work on their assignments for a total of five hours on a Winter E-Learning day. Teachers will be available on MS Teams or by email between 8:30am-2:45pm on these days. MS Teams can be accessed from a tablet, phone, or computer using the information included at the district Learning at Home page. You can get troubleshooting help with our 'Tech Tutorials' link (also on the main page of our website).
For directions on how to access Waterford, i-Ready, Lexia and IXL click on the "online activities" tab.
Please reach out to your teacher for additional support completing your assignments on a Winter E-Learning day. You can locate your teacher's email by clicking their name on our staff page.
Directions on how to log on to Schoolinks on E-Learning days - https://5il.co/2cboc
To find your assignments for the Winter E-Learning days, click on the tab for your grade level.