Good day!
My name is Dr. Shella M. Cadimas. I am a Filipino who has been hired to teach in the USA through a Cultural Exchange Visitor Program. I started my journey of being a teacher in August of 2021 . I graduated from Foundation University, Dumaguete City with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education, a Master's Degree in Education, and a Doctoral Degree in Education. I have been an educator for almost 20 years. I taught in the Philippines for 19 years and now I am finishing my first year at Glen Oak Community Learning Center as a Sixth Grade ELA teacher.
I was born and raised in the Philippines, where I was full of energy,enthusiasm, and ambition. I have received awards for being an Outstanding Educator. I had my life back home full of hope, so I have continued to expand my horizons by working abroad.
Being a teacher is more than just a profession. I teach because it is my passion, and this is where I draw my life's purpose. I hope to make a positive difference in the lives of my students, which has had never ending ripple effects for me. To eternity and beyond ,I change to transform lives. "Dreams do come true!", I am here strong, committed, passionate, and determined!
Dr. Cadimas
#GObold #GObeyond