Community Partners
We have amazing community partners in Peoria! Here are some of the examples of involvement from our friends & neighborhood partners.
From the hearts of those at GRE Property Management, Charter Oak was given the gift of a food basket to share with one of our families at Thanksgiving. The donated food came from the outpouring of love from the GRE Property Management staff members, and brought over by the Director of Operations, Denise McWhorter. Thank you for your generocity, and thoughtfulness at this significant time of year, GRE Property Management!
Peoria's very own Mayor Ardis visited our Charter Oak 4th graders for a lesson on government. Students had been studying our U.S. government, and were in the voting process for a class president. Mayor Ardis did an amazing job supporting the students' learning! Thank you, Mayor Ardis! :)
Ms. Kitty of the Peoria Humane Society has adopted Charter Oak, as well as several other Peoria Public Schools. She has been to Charter Oak to present, to share resources, and to coordinate our Paw Pal and Paw Perks (pet therapy) programs. Thank you for adopting us Ms. Kitty, and the Peoria Humane Society!