Meet Principal Daniels!

headshot of fabian daniels

Fabian Daniels, Principal


Phone: 309-672-6522

As the principal at Annie Jo Gordon, I am overjoyed and excited to be a part of the Hawks family. I was born and raised in Peoria.  I am a product of Peoria Public Schools.  However, in my spare time, I enjoy spending it with my family; my husband, Tod, son Tod II, my daughter, Tyanna, and my godbabies (twins), Kiristyn and Kerrington.  


After graduating from ISU, I had my first teaching experience in Peoria Public Schools as a summer school teacher at Harrison (now Annie Jo Gordon). During that fall, I became a first grade teacher at Charter Oak.  The next year, I was transferred to Irving Primary (now Lincoln K-8) as a first grade teacher. Before being appointed as principal for the upcoming school year, I was assistant principal at Harrison. I am looking forward to continuing to be a leader that serves and assists at Annie Jo Gordon Community Learning Center.

Creating Magic and Soaring to Success

There is not a magic potion that drives students to learn.  “It’s the way we work (instruct) that makes it magic.”  As a school family, we, the staff of AJG, will collaborate together and pursue/achieve this magic with remarkable dedication, a strong commitment, and exceptional performance.   My door is always open because we’re all in this together.

Michelle Dunn

Assistant Principal

309.672.6522 ext. 47103

Michelle Hartenbower

Assistant Principal

309.672.6522 ext. 47104