Social Emotional Development

Social and emotional strengths are some of the greatest predictors of successful personal and academic development.


students staring at worm

At Valeska Hinton, we understand the value and importance of nurturing the social and emotional development of our students.

Children’s emotional well-being during their early years has a powerful impact on their social relationships throughout the rest of their lives and creating a meaningful and successful life. Children are learning to talk about their feelings, and the feelings of others. But social and emotional development involves more than just expressing one's feelings and emotions. It includes learning to take turns, becoming independent, following routines, interacting more with peers, controlling emotions, engaging in meaningful relationships with others, and developing a positive self-image. By learning these important skills, children have the opportunity for better participation in school, at home, and throughout their lives.

Our students are taught and have opportunities to practice social-emotional skills, in much the same way that they learn how to read and solve math problems. These efforts come with a big payoff, as strong social-emotional skills can help children in a wide variety of social and academic settings for years to come.